

    Integrated Analysis of Risk Factors Influencing Tobacco Black Shank Disease in Yuxi Tobacco-growing Region

    • 摘要: 为探究影响云南省玉溪烟区黑胫病发生风险的相关因素,根据当地海拔、地形及主栽品种布局,于玉溪烟区建立27个黑胫病发生风险监测点,连续3年采集田间样品,检测黑胫病菌拷贝数量、土壤理化指标,分析影响玉溪烟区黑胫病发生风险的相关因素。结果显示:在统防统治条件下,云南玉溪烟区主栽品种K326、云烟87和KRK26田间病情指数与土壤黑胫病菌数量无显著相关性;而在无防控措施下,盆栽云烟87的病情指数与根际土壤病菌数量呈显著正相关,向盆栽土壤内施加的黑胫病菌孢子浓度为1×104~1×106 个/mL时,KRK26相应时期的病情指数与之显著正相关;土壤pH和有机质含量与黑胫病病情指数显著负相关;土壤电导率、碱解氮含量、速效钾含量、土壤类型、拮抗菌数量、耕作模式及后茬作物等因素在一定程度上影响黑胫病严重程度,亦可能与前述主要因素单一或综合作用,导致病害流行。本研究分析了玉溪烟区黑胫病发生的影响因素,可为玉溪烟区黑胫病发生风险预测预报和感病品种区域布局等提供理论依据。


      Abstract: In order to explore the factors associated with the risk of tobacco black shank(TBS) disease in Yuxi tobacco-growing area of Yunnan Province, 27 TBS disease risk monitoring sites were established based on the data of local altitude, topography and main layout of cultivated varieties. Field samples were collected for 3 consecutive years to detect the number of copies of Phytophthora nicotianae and soil physicochemical indexes, whereas meteorological factors and other related information were detected. The related factors affecting the risk of TBS disease in the area were analyzed. Results showed that, with large-scale pest control, no significant relationship occurred between the disease index and the amount of P. nicotianae in field, for K326, Yunyan87 and KRK26, the main cultivars in Yuxi. While without control measures against TBS, the disease index of Yunyan 87 was significantly positively correlated with the amount of P. nicotianae in pot experiment. When the concentration of P. nicotianae spores applied in the pot soil was 1×104~1×106 spores/mL, the disease index was significantly positively correlated with the amount of P. nicotianae in rhizosphere soil. Meanwhile, soil pH and organic matter content were negatively correlated with TBS. Soil electrical conductivity, available nitrogen, available potassium, soil type, the quantity of antagonistic bacteria, cropping patterns and succeeding crops exhibited minimal correlation with the disease risk, and could also lead to disease epidemics either individually or in combination. This study analysed the factors affecting the occurrence of TBS disease in Yuxi tobacco area, and may also provided theoretical basis for the risk prediction and regional layout of disease-susceptible varieties.


