

    Construction and Nutritional Diagnosis of Shoot Critical Nitrogen Dilution Curve of Flue-cured Tobacco in Shandong Tobacco Growing Region

    • 摘要: 为建立山东烟区烤烟地上部临界氮稀释曲线,探讨以氮素营养指数诊断烤烟氮素营养状况的可行性,优化烤烟氮素管理,田间设置6个氮肥用量,分析其对移栽后烤烟地上部干物质积累量和氮浓度的影响,并通过烤烟氮营养指数判断烟株氮素营养的丰缺情况。结果表明,随着施氮量增加,各取样时期烤烟干物质积累量均表现为先增加后稳定的趋势,不同施肥处理烤烟地上部干物质积累量差异显著;随着烤烟地上部干物质积累量的增加,不同施肥处理烤烟地上部氮浓度均逐渐降低;烤烟地上部临界氮浓度和干物质积累量符合幂函数关系,以地上部干物质积累量为驱动变量的临界氮稀释曲线为Nc = 2.25×DM−0.13,其决定系数R2为0.72(p<0.05);不同氮肥处理氮营养指数(NNI)均在一定程度上呈现波动性,移栽后随时间增长呈现先上升后下降趋势,根据临界氮稀释曲线计算氮营养指数(NNI)判定烤烟氮营养状况,氮肥施用量90 kg/hm2时氮营养状况较好。山东烟区烤烟地上部临界氮稀释曲线方程为Nc = 2.25×DM−0.13,通过烤烟地上部临界氮稀释曲线与氮营养指数能够评价山东烟区烤烟氮营养状况,研究结果表明该试验地点适宜的氮肥施用量在90 kg/hm2左右。


      Abstract: In order to establish a critical nitrogen dilution curve for the shoot of flue-cured tobacco in the Shandong tobacco-growing areas, explore the feasibility of diagnosing nitrogen nutritional status of flue-cured tobacco using nitrogen nutrition index, and optimize nitrogen management for flue-cured tobacco, six nitrogen fertilizer application rates were set up in field to analyze their impacts on the accumulation of dry matter and nitrogen concentration in the shoot of flue-cured tobacco after transplantation. With the increased nitrogen application, the dry matter accumulation of flue-cured tobacco in each sampling period generally showed a trend of first increasing and then stable. The dry matter accumulation in the shoot of flue-cured tobacco under different fertilization treatments was significantly different. With the increase of dry matter accumulation in the shoot of flue-cured tobacco, the nitrogen concentration in the shoot of flue-cured tobacco under different fertilization treatments decreased gradually. The critical nitrogen concentration and dry matter accumulation in the shoot of flue-cured tobacco fitted the power function relationship well. The critical nitrogen dilution curve with dry matter accumulation in the shoot as the driving variable is Nc = 2.25×DM−0.13, and its coefficient of determination R2 is 0.72 (p<0.05). The nitrogen nutrient index (NNI) of different nitrogen fertilizer treatments fluctuated to a certain extent, and showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing with the increase of transplanting days. The nitrogen nutrient index (NNI) was calculated according to the critical nitrogen dilution curve to determine the nitrogen nutrient level of flue-cured tobacco. The nitrogen nutrient level was higher when the nitrogen fertilizer application rate was 90 kg/hm2. The equation of the critical nitrogen dilution curve of the shoot of flue-cured tobacco in Shandong tobacco-growing area is Nc = 2.25×DM−0.13. The nitrogen nutrition status of flue-cured tobacco in Shandong tobacco-growing area can be evaluated by the critical nitrogen dilution curve of the shoot and the nitrogen nutrition index. The results show that the appropriate application rate of nitrogen fertilizer in this test site is about 90 kg/hm2.


